अंतर्जातीय विवाह के लिए ग्रहों की स्थिति | Planetary Placement for Inter-caste Marriage in Astrology

Inter-caste Marriage

Inter-caste Marriage: Marriage is the most important chapter or event in everyone’s life . That is why most of us are very curious about our marriage partner and also the type of marriage we will have in future. The event of marriage is so important in our life that ancient people addressed this as the ” Niyati Nirdharit Ghatna”  which means an event which has already been decided by God and written in our destiny.

Scene Marriage has already been decided as per our past life karma so we can easily decode the event of marriage specially the type of marriage as per astrology. We can understand clearly by checking the horoscope and the planetary placement that we will have an Inter-caste marriage or not in future ?  Inter-caste marriage refers to a union between individuals from different castes or cultures. Astrology can provide insights into the challenges and opportunities that a couple may face in an intercaste marriage.

Planets Responsible for Inter-caste Marriage(अंतर्जातीय विवाह)

The determination of inter-caste marriages can be possible using the positions of different planets in a person’s horoscope.

The planets which are responsible for Inter-caste Marriage in a person’s Natal Chart

1. The lord of the 7th house from Lagna

2. The Lord of the 7th house from Moon

3. The Lord of the 5th house from Lagna

4. Venus which is the natural Significator of love and marriage)

5. Jupiter ,  the general Significator for women

6. Mars, which is  important for checking kuja /manglik dosha etc .

House’s which are responsible for Inter-caste Marriage –

1. Lagna House or The Ascendant

2  5th House or The house of love

3. 7th House or The house of Marriage

4. 11th House or The House of Confirmation

Planets and Caste in Astrology

In Order to understand the planetary placement for Inter-caste marriage we need to understand the cast of each planet also . As per Ancient Treatise ” Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra” by  ‘Sage Parashara’ each planet has their own caste and which will help us to understand the Inter-caste marriage.

Caste Table of 9 planets are mentioned here –

Jupiter and Venus are Priest or Bramhin

Sun and Mars are Kshatriya or Rulers

Mercury and Ketu are Vaisya or Traders

Saturn & Rahu are Khusdra or Mlechha

Moon is Consider Vaisya mostly

Now Let us understand the planetary placement for Inter-caste marriage

1. If lagna lord is by caste Bramhin planet and the 7th lord is not Bramhin planet then the person will have Inter-caste marriage . In this case most chances are there that the marriage of that person will happen with a lower caste partner .

2. If lagna lord is kshatriya Planet and 7th lord is any other planet rather than Khsatriya planet then the person will have Inter-caste marriage. In this case if the 7th lord is brahmin then the person will have marriage in a higher caste or else in lower caste .

3. If lagna lord is Vaishya Planet by nature and the 7th lord belongs to any other caste by nature rather than Vaisya then , the marriage will be Inter-caste . In this case if 7th lord is higher caste by nature then Marriage will take place in higher caste or else lower caste marriage.

4. If lagna lord is Shudra planet by nature and 7th lord belongs to any other caste planet by nature then also Inter-caste marriage will be possible. In this case mostly the marriage will be done in higher caste.

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Planetary placement for successful Inter-caste marriage in Astrology

Predicting the Success of an Inter-caste Marriage is not so easy . A detail analysis of various factors and planetary placement for inter-caste marriage in birth chart as per Vedic and Kp astrology will can help determine the success of an inter-caste marriage

As per Vedic Astrology –

1. If Rahu is situated in 7th house or in Ascendant then also it creates the Inter-caste marriage.

2. Shani as the lord of 5th house situated in 7th house in natal chart will create a situation of  inter-caste love marriage.

3. Rahu in the 5th house and Shani in the 7th house from moon in natal chart will bring inter-caste marriage.

Inter-caste Marriage

4. Conjunction of Rahu and Saturn in 7th house and moon is debilitated in natal chart will cause inter-caste marriage.

5. If all mleccha planets ( Rahu and Shani ) are the Significator of 7th house in natal chart then inter caste marriage is possible.

6. If Jupiter is in the ascendant or situated in 7th house in his debilitated sign and aspected by no other benefic planet will help in Inter-caste marriage.

7. In natal chart both lagna lord and 7th lord conjoin in 5th house or in 11th house and aspected by benefic Saturn will create Inter-caste marriage also .

8. If Guru and Rahu conjoins each other and create Guru Chandal dosh in 7th house or in lagna house then it favors intercaste marriage.

Failure of inter-caste marriage in astrology

In astrology, several factors can cause the failure of intercaste marriage. Here are some of the common factors:

1. Exalted Jupiter in Ascendant and his aspect in 7th house while 7th house lord is with Venus in dusthana .

2. If both lagna lord and lord of the seventh house belong to the same caste as per the above caste table then same caste marriage will happen instead of inter-caste marriage.

3. If Saturn or Rahu is exalted or in mool trikona rashi while situated in 7th house and aspected by benefic planets then , inter-caste marriage will not happen , in this case the reason will depends upon the placement of planet and those planet / planets which gives drishti on Saturn or Rahu .

4. If 7th house lord is in dusthana while both 5th lord and ascendant lord are in conjunction with any malefic planet, inter-caste marriage is not possible.

5. The Lord of the 11th house is debilitated and situated in the 7th house and 7th lord is weak in natal chart , can cancel the inter-caste marriage.

6. Both 7th house lord and the lord of 5th house in the birth chart are weak because malefic planets situated on that place or conjunction or malefic planet on those houses can create problems in intercaste marriage.

7. The Lord of the 5th house is debilitated and situated in the 7th house or vice versa can also create problems no doubt .

Inter-caste Marriage

Remedies For inter-caste marriage in astrology

Here are the list of some common astrological remedies to resolve the problems in intercaste marriage.

1. Wearing the gemstone of 7th lord in your birth chart can enhance the possibility of inter-caste marriage

2. Wearing gemstones such as Yellow Sapphire or Ruby can also enhance the chances of inter-caste marriage.

3. Wearing a Gouri Shankar Rudraksha can be more beneficial than stone in case of inter-caste marriage.

All these planetary placements mentioned above are the basic planetary placement beside that we need to understand the complete horoscope along with navamsa kundli ( a kundli specifically use for predicting the marriage and spouse related matter in a person’s life ) for  to understand the inter caste marriage, its possibilities, is it fruitful for you or not etc ? So , if you have any doubt regarding your marriage you can consult our Astrologers .

Inter-caste Marriage in Astrology Related- FAQ-

Q- Is it possible to predict inter-caste marriage from Astrology?

An- Inter caste marriage refers to a union between individuals from different castes or cultures. Astrology can provide insights into the challenges and opportunities that a couple may face in an intercaste marriage.

Q- How Astrology predict inter-caste marriage?

An- The determination of inter-caste marriages can possible using the positions of different planets in a person’s horoscope.

Q- The planets which are responsible for Inter-caste Marriage in a person’s Natal Chart?

An- The Venus , The Jupiter , Mars , 7th lord

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