According to Vedic astrology, the fifth house of the horoscope is considered to be the house of Sun and if the planet Ketu is also present in this house, then it is going to give very auspicious results to the native. The economic condition of such people is very auspicious. Such people can have 5 sons in their house. If the planet Ketu is inauspicious, then the person may suffer from asthma.
Famous Astrologer Acharya Shri Gopal Ji of ‘Mangal Bhavan‘ says that, the effect of Ketu planet is different on all the 12 houses of the horoscope. The result of these influences is also visible to the native in his own life.
According to astrology, Ketu is considered a cruel planet, but if Ketu केतु ग्रह is in an auspicious place in the horoscope, then the native gets good results, while it gives inauspicious results when afflicted. Let us know in detail how the planet Ketu affects the fifth house-
Planet Ketu in the fifth house: Significance
In astrology, the planet Ketu is considered as an inauspicious planet. But it is not that the person always gets inauspicious or bad results through Ketu. The native also gets auspicious results through the planet Ketu. It is the factor of spirituality, quietness, salvation, tantric knowledge etc.
Rahu and Ketu are the two shadow planets in Vedic astrology. They are not considered to be full planets, and they do not have ownership of any zodiac sign. Rahu is the north node of the moon, and Ketu is the south node of the moon. They are always opposite each other in the zodiac, and they are associated with illusion, deception, and the unknown.
Rahu is said to be responsible for causing eclipses, and it is also associated with material desires, greed, and ambition. Ketu is said to be responsible for causing comets and meteors, and it is also associated with detachment, renunciation, and spirituality.
Rahu and Ketu can have a significant impact on a person’s life, but their effects are not always negative. They can also bring about positive changes, such as increased creativity, intuition, and spiritual awareness.
But Sagittarius is said to be the debilitated sign of Rahu and the exalted sign of Ketu, while Ketu is debilitated and Rahu is exalted in Gemini. On the other hand, among the 27 constellations, the planet Ketu has the ownership of Ashwini, Magha and Mool Nakshatra. According to mythological scriptures, the planet Ketu is the lower part of the demon named Swar Bhanu, while the part of his head has been given the name of the planet Rahu.
The fifth house in the horoscope is mainly called the house of children and knowledge. This house shows the mental capacity of the person to accept anything, how one can easily know about a subject. The fifth house also refers to the qualitative possibilities of the native. The fifth house represents love-affairs, success in love-affairs, license, legitimate and rational attraction, etc. Of course, not all houses that attract physical and magnetic personalities between two people will have all of these factors. However, these factors can certainly contribute to the overall appeal of a house.

Ketu in the fifth house: auspicious and inauspicious effects
- Due to the influence of planet Ketu in the fifth house, the native becomes strong. Ketu in this house reduces the number of children of the native, so you will have fewer sons and more daughters. Your children will have more attachment in the family as well. Such people also have the benefit of animals like cow, that means you will get animal wealth in sufficient quantity. These people are more interested in pilgrimage or living abroad.
- Such people like to work in the profession. Although they also have no shortage of servants. According to astrology, such a person can earn profit even by doing some deceit. The teachings given by such people greatly influence others.
- These people also have a great desire to go abroad. These people are more interested in pilgrimage or living abroad.
- But due to the inauspicious effect of Ketu in this house, one can see lack of patience in the native.
- There can be abundance of negative thoughts in the brain or mind of such people. Such a person may have to repent for his own wrong decisions.
- Due to the inauspicious effect of Ketu in the fifth house, such a person can suffer physical pain due to his own delusional knowledge and mistake. There can be a situation of dispute with real brothers in the family. Apart from this, suffering can also be found through tantra-mantra. There can be pain related to stomach or due to injury.
Ketu in the fifth house: remedies
If Ketu is giving inauspicious results to a person, then there is no need to worry or worry about it. In such a situation, these people can get relief by going to their home or any temple and worshiping Lord Ganesha. Ketu Strot, Ganesh Dwadash Naam, Strot, Shiva Panchakshar Strot and Ganesh Chalisa should be recited to pacify the planet Ketu. Apart from this, black mustard or urad dal should be donated on the day of Jupiter.
Ketu in the 5th house Astrology Related- FAQ-
Q- What is the result of the fifth house in the horoscope?
An- The fifth house in the horoscope is mainly called the house of children and knowledge. This house reflects the mental capacity of the person to accept anything.
Q- What results do Ketu give in the fifth house?
An- The fifth house of the horoscope is considered to be the house of the Sun and if the planet Ketu is also present in this house, then it is going to give very auspicious results to the native. The economic condition of such people is very auspicious.
Q- Does the planet Ketu give auspicious results in the fifth house?
An- Planet Ketu in the fifth house with other planets gives auspicious or inauspicious results to the native.
Q- Which are the ruling planets of the fifth house in the horoscope?
An- The ruling planet of the fifth house of the horoscope is Jupiter.