The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the 12 houses of the birth chart: According to astrology, if there is a conjunction of Saturn and Mars in someone’s birth chart, such individuals tend to be high-ranking and industrious. However, this situation also has some negative effects on individuals. If in someone’s birth chart, the conjunction of Saturn and Mars occurs in the ascendant, then such individuals naturally tend to be honest and punctual in completing every task diligently and are morally strong.
Today in this article of ‘Mangal Bhavan’, we will read about the conjunction and effect of Saturn and Mars in the 12 houses of the horoscope-
In Vedic astrology, Saturn and Mars are considered as malefic planets, so a conjunction of these two planets is not considered auspicious. Having Mars and Saturn together indicates a difficult situation for the individual. Mars is primarily a planet of fire element, which tends to be quite aggressive by nature. Similarly, Saturn is labeled as a cruel planet. Therefore, the conjunction of these two planets in any house of the birth chart can weaken the effects of their significations.
Along with this, there is a conflict in the power of both Saturn and Mars. The native may have to endure very negative consequences. The conjunction of these two planets can create chaos and disturbances in life. Moreover, an increase in adverse effects and violent incidents can also be observed due to this combination. According to astrology, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn can lead to many sudden events in the native’s life. Additionally, this conjunction is not considered favorable for marital life, employment, business, progeny, and domestic matters.
Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in 12 houses of the horoscope
First house: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
According to Vedic astrology, the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the first house, also known as the ascendant, can make the native restless. They become highly anxious and troubled by events happening around them. Such individuals often struggle to control their reactions towards others. However, in many cases, seriousness can be observed in these individuals, making them responsible by nature. Yet, in most situations, they are seen to be in unstable and dissatisfied states.
Individuals influenced positively by Saturn exhibit traits of walking the path of justice. They possess both knowledge and strength. Although they earn great respect, they often struggle with making appropriate decisions in life.
Second house: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the second house of the birth chart affects the native’s family happiness. Such individuals often struggle to find happiness within their families. However, they earn wealth and assets through their own hard work and strength. According to astrology, these individuals always assist others in their work; however, the number of people helping them is limited. Additionally, such natives may not find happiness from their in-laws’ side either, as they may have to endure some discord. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the second house does not directly impact health.
Third House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the third house of the birth chart motivates the native to earn wealth through their hard work. Due to the positive influence of Saturn, these individuals acquire strength and intelligence. They are also courageous and diligent, which leads them to gain good financial benefits. Some discord with siblings may be observed within the family. By nature, these individuals can be somewhat stubborn, which may lead to unrest within the family. They also tend to travel more for work-related matters.
In the fourth house: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the fourth house of the birth chart enables the native to acquire wealth and assets. Such individuals tend to work according to their mother’s guidance. Their minds are inclined towards religious activities, but they may also experience a lack of happiness in their lives. They hold respect for their elders. Health-wise, these individuals may suffer from heart and chest-related ailments. Additionally, they may be prone to addictions or habits involving intoxicating substances. These individuals often earn wealth by staying away from their home and family.
Fifth House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the fifth house of the birth chart makes the native courageous and powerful. According to astrology, these individuals may face some challenges in their romantic relationships. They may encounter some difficulties in achieving happiness related to progeny. However, they may achieve commendable success in the fields of science and engineering. Often, these individuals have a disposition towards helping and assisting others.
Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the sixth house
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the sixth house of the birth chart makes the native knowledgeable and powerful. These individuals attain wealth and benefits due to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn. Many times, they even gain advantages from their enemies. According to astrological advice, these individuals should exercise caution while driving to prevent any kind of injury or accident. Additionally, due to the conjunction, they may be anxious about minor illnesses.
Seventh House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the seventh house of the birth chart can bring some challenges in the native’s married life. They may experience conflicts in their romantic relationships. The life partner of these individuals is attractive and charming. Along with this, they may struggle for success in their professional or business endeavors. However, they tend to excel in competition. The individual may also be prone to some form of substance addiction.
Eighth House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the eighth house of the birth chart bestows upon the native the ability to become wealthy and popular. This combination leads to success in their business ventures. Additionally, individuals with this yoga tend to have a long lifespan. They have a keen interest in research and exploration, which contributes to their success. However, due to the effects of Mars and Saturn, the native may experience some health-related issues. Occasionally, due to the negative attributes of these planets, such individuals may not fully enjoy the wealth they possess.
Ninth House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the ninth house of the birth chart inclines the native towards religious inclinations. During this period, the individual may encounter some financial difficulties. There may often be disagreements with siblings within the family. Such individuals actively engage in spiritual activities.
Tenth House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the tenth house of the birth chart enables the native to achieve success in various fields. Success can be attained in areas related to government, courts, law enforcement, or legal matters. According to astrological calculations, this combination can also lead to financial challenges or even debts for the individual.
Eleventh House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the eleventh house of the birth chart makes the native hardworking, capable of earning wealth through their efforts. Due to this combination, individuals may face digestive-related illnesses. Additionally, such individuals may not receive respect in society.
Twelfth House: Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
According to Vedic astrology, individuals influenced by the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the twelfth house of the birth chart attain success in the field of education. During this period, opponents may also not be able to defeat them. To avoid accidents, they should remain cautious while driving.
According to Vedic astrology, when two or more planets come together, they form a conjunction, influencing various aspects of the individual’s birth chart. However, if the planets share similar qualities, the native is affected either positively or negatively. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn also yields mixed results for the individual. Overall, while this conjunction may not be considered highly auspicious, through astrological guidance and remedies, its adverse effects can be mitigated.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
Q. Which yoga is formed by the conjunction of Saturn and Mars?
An. Inauspicious Shadashtak Yoga is formed due to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn. When any planet moves from one zodiac sign to another, many different auspicious and inauspicious yogas are formed.
Q. Is Mars the enemy of Saturn?
An. Saturn and Mars are considered enemy planets. Saturn is the cause of poverty and Mars is responsible for all violence and conflicts. This yoga, formed by the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, is one of the most inauspicious yogas.
Q. How many times a year does the conjunction of Mars and Saturn occur?
An. Mars aligns with Saturn about once every two years. However, sometimes, due to the retrograde motion of one or both planets, such alignments occur only a few months apart.
Q. Does the combination of Saturn and Mars give inauspicious results to the person?
An. Due to the combination of Mars and Saturn, the person gets mixed results.